You are a leader. Your values drive your behavior. Whatever you value will also drive your thinking. Since your activities and behavior will be consistent with your values, it is critical to know and define your values. As a leader of a church or business enterprise what values are demonstrated consistently by you and your staff.

 “Values are those things we consider or rate highly, prize, esteem or deem important.” (James C. Hunter in The World’s most powerful Leadership Principle)

Values are your beliefs that are critical in the way you live, lead, work, rest, and play. Your values serve as the most important component in your sense of purpose, passion and play. When the things you do and how you lead match with what you value, you are generally a happy fulfilled person. When the things you value do not match the things you do, you generally are stressed, unhappy and unfulfilled.

Values are un-compromisable, un-debatable truths, characteristics that drive and direct behavior.  They are motivational; they give reasons why we do things. They are restrictive and place boundaries to guide our behavior. They provide the core of individual, group or organisational identity. They are enduring judgments about what you consider to be important, like the shoulders on a major highway. Values can be described as what we treasure the most, those things we want to live by or die for; belief characteristics that distinguish us one from another.

Leaders who are living by their values reap a great benefit from the Lord; David said: “the righteous will never be shaken.” (Psalm 112:6 NIV)

“Love was the crucial element of Jesus Ministry.” (Angie Mays, Courteous Rebel)

Remember, if people don’t see Jesus in you, they may never see Jesus.  Because you may be the only Jesus some people ever see.

Leadership is related to and dependent upon the consistent demonstration of your values.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy

Leadership Coach