What skills do you need to be excel? Your strengths and weaknesses will be influenced by your spiritual gifts, your current situation and what you want to do in the future. Hence, your reading, study and practice will make or break your Ministry. Note these five unique and critical skill sets Healthy Leaders work with.
- Accurate interpretation of Scripture and Denomination imperatives.
- Skilled Ministry Leaders ensure consistent and effective communication with their people. Our future leaders will work hard and be informed about their organization and its impact on our world. Communication must flow positively in both directions.
- Flexibility in daily routines is necessary, within the Vision and Values. The changing and uncertain economic times will not tolerate doing a task simply because it has always been done that way.
- Leaders must be accessible. The hidden decision maker will not be tolerated. Questions need to be answered. Staff and followers require confidence in their leader to maintain organizational health. Tomorrow’s leaders will be visible and approachable.
- Leaders will be responsible for their personal performance and that of their Ministry. They will know what is going on, have a strong grasp of operations and will ensure positive relationships. The changing power of public opinion will force the leader to know their area of responsibility and accept legal responsibility for it.
The amazing thing about these five skill sets is, they are achievable by all of us. It takes some extra work, increased reading, study in key areas and consistent implementation. Excelling in these skills may not guarantee a future executive suite in a mega church, but it will definitely improve your present and future job potential.
Leadership is … continuously improving your skill set.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group