Leaders need an annual review. I see my physician annually, or more often as needed. He checks the obvious including blood pressure, blood work up, height and weight. Depending on his findings he’ll investigate some more. I value his advice and direction.
Leaders also need a regular checkup. There are some obvious things to check. Are the annual goals of the organization being met in a timely manner? Are staff and volunteers being supervised and encouraged appropriately? Is the annual budget in line with the forecast? Are days off, holidays and break times taken appropriately? What books and training opportunities have staff participated in? Is the overall health and productivity of the work unit improving?
If the obvious questions are out of balance, the effective leader will probe more deeply. The goal is never to hurt or criticize, but to encourage and support.
The first step to a positive review is a continual self analysis. Review these questions every month and then again after every Board meeting. Then, when your Board Chair or annual review committee comes knocking, you are prepared for the discussion. One of the first rules on an annual review is there should never be any surprises. You should know your work and the performance measures so well that you are current and exceeding your annual goals.
Paul advised the leaders in the church at Ephesus to “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers (Acts 20:28)
Kevin G. Harney illustrated in his book, Leadership from the Inside Out, “God is searching for leaders who have the courage to look deeply into their souls and identify areas of danger. He is also longing for leaders to be honest when they have crossed lines and become comfortable living with hidden sin.”
My personal and professional life is important to me. Hence, regular review, continual improvement and lifelong learning are critical to me.
Leadership is providing a continual personal process of self-review.
What can you do today to improve your skills in preparation for your next review?
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach