Laurie KennedyI have a special concern for you church leaders. I know what it’s like to be a leader, in on Christ’s sufferings as well as the coming glory. Here’s my concern: that you care for God’s flock with all the diligence of a shepherd. Not because you have to, but because you want to please God. Not calculating what you can get out of it, but acting spontaneously. Not bossily telling others what to do, but tenderly showing them the way.” (1 Peter 5:1-3 MSG)

Healthy Church and Mission organizations depend on dedicated paid and volunteer staff. It is awesome to work with faith based organizations that demonstrate a caring work culture. Staff respond dramatically when they can respond positively to these points in a healthy organization.

  1. It is exciting to work when my role fits within the Vision and Annual goals of our church.
  2. My church feels like a finely tuned organization that prays about offering a world class service representing our Heavenly Father to our world.
  3. I have the resources that I need to excel in my role.
  4. My team members encourage me, care about my family and my work.
  5. I have a best friend at work.
  6. The leaders in my church/mission take time to call and pray with me.
  7. My opinions are encouraged and valued.
  8. New people are encouraged to find a place to use their God given gifts.
  9. Trust is obvious among staff, volunteers, Leaders and Board members.
  10. My direct supervisor listens to me and encourages me to learn and grow in my relationship with Christ.

Prayerfully think about the increased dedication and enthusiasm your staff will have when they can experience these statements.

Leadership is caring, praying, supporting and encouraging staff.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group