The Christian Servant Leader carries an awesome responsibility to be truthful and honest “Everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded” (Luke 12:48) NIV. Nehemiah confirmed, “We are making a binding agreement, putting it in writing, and our leaders…are affixing their seals to it” (Nehemiah 9:38) NIV. Paul encouraged, “whatever you do whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Colossians 3:17) NIV.
General Norman Schwarzkopf is quoted in James C. Hunter’s book, The World’s most powerful Leadership Principle “Ninety-nine percent of leadership failures are failures of character.”
Dwight Moody, the nineteenth-century lay evangelist, details, “The word character comes from a Greek verb meaning “to engrave.” A person’s character, then, is the visible sign of his inner nature. “Character is what we are beneath our personality (mask).” James C. Hunter. The World’s most powerful Leadership Principle
“History is filled with examples of men who, though they were gifted beyond the ordinary, saw their labors brought to nothing because they were lacking in character.” What is a Man? Edited by Waller. R. Newell.
As Christian leaders, we demonstrate God’s love by our character, our integrity and our willingness to live a Christ like life daily. Since character is fundamental to the skill and ability of great leaders, then it is critical that we integrate it into every aspect of our lives. It’s more important than anything else. Skill is important. Education and experience are important but nothing shows effective leadership more than character. Character is everything.
Look for that inner voice. In times of challenge, look for the still quiet small voice of the Spirit saying, “well done, good and faithful servant.”
Leadership is character and the foundation of character is integrity.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group