Laurie KennedyAs a Christian Leader, what would you do?

“Most of the top executives were tried for fraud after it was revealed in November 2001 that Enron’s earnings had been overstated by several hundred million dollars. Enron paid the top 140 executives $680 million in 2001.” (CNN April 2016)

“The irony, he adds, is that ‘integrity’ was listed as one of Enron’s four core beliefs. A select group of Enron executives embraced a philosophy so far from traditional ethics that they ended up adopting a lifestyle completely contrary to their company’s stated beliefs on integrity,” (Mark Wingfield, Baptist Standard)

The Police stopped a Christian for rolling through a stop sign. She complained on Social Media that she considers this harassment and is considering fighting the ticket.

A Christian technician tells his associate, they could finish the job in 10 minutes.  Or, if they finish it in 20 minutes, they could claim an hour of overtime pay.

Police stop a car speeding to church on Sunday morning. The Christian driver considers fighting the ticket due to religious persecution because of the number of churches on that road.

A Christian Consultant, during new staff orientation, tells new Christian Employee to put his conscience on hold and claim everything he can get away with on his Expense Account.

Not expecting snow and cold, a friend visits her family in another province. She is encouraged to go buy a coat, wear it for the few days while visiting, then return it stating it didn’t fit.

“There was just such a radical gap between what we heard Christians professing they believed and the values and the lifestyle that grew out of the values.” (George Barna, Christianity Today)

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17 NIV)

What would you do?

Leadership is … going beyond the expected, tradition and ‘what’s best for me’ to a consistent value of what is right.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach

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