The group work was positive. The theory was intense. We developed close friendships with fellow students from around the world. The Master of Leadership program at Trinity Western University was primarily online with two Julys on campus. The online work covered the Biblical principles of Servant Leadership integrated with examples of positive Leadership in private industry. We researched, listened intensely, debated at length, shared role playing and spent serious time in personal reflection. The program was an intensive skill and learning development.
Servant Leadership is not only an intellectual activity. Inward character is demonstrated by behavioral characteristics. So here we are surrounded by several acres of lush green grass standing beside a volleyball net with seventeen individually sized artificial holes. Some large, lower on the net, others higher and smaller.
We were all standing on one side of the net and our assignment was to get all of us through the seventeen artificial holes in the net without wrecking it. Now, think through the challenge. The first person through has no one to catch him and the last person has no one to lift, hold and push. We talked, laughed, stressed and accomplished the task in just over the 20 minute time goal. Then, we recapped and reviewed. Dr. Page first congratulated and encouraged each of us. He pointed out our strengths, the way we worked together and shared the challenge. Then, he asked the most intriguing question, “Have any of you done this exercise before.” To our shock, two of my class mates had done the exercise before and one had experienced it twice. Then, Professor Don Page asked the group why none of us had thought to ask each other if any had experience with this exercises. Hmm!
It was a fascinating and very practical learning experience. We were learning the theory but had a lot to learn in practice.
Leadership is knowing when to lead and when to follow.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group