Many Leaders drive forward at breakneck speed with their eyes firmly fixed on the rearview mirror. They manage based on previous events, well-worn methods, out dated skills and ‘the way we have always done it’. They aim at the average, are content with average, expect average, and as ineffective leaders, they reinforce the average.
Today’s effective leader is aware of previous accomplishments, learns from history but leads while anticipating the future. With an eye to the future, this leader will build teams and design systems to meet the challenge. They never gloat about past accomplishments.
Are you facing challenges? Whatever your situation, do your best today, while you work, to improve these four skills.
- Pray individually and collectively. The Ministries that pray together on a consistent basis are typically more healthy and growing.
- Watch for trends. Read and monitor what is current. What are other healthy churches and missions doing? Review and learn with other Healthy Leaders.
- Anticipate and forecast. The future is a moving target. As you anticipate changes in your style and programs, visualize the effect they will have on your Ministry. Change is only a negative when you are not prepared. When you see a subtle change and a new trend forming, adjust your work methods and goals according to the changing environment. The skills of staff, resources and working systems must be adjusted to keep up.
- Lead by results. Results are unique to each individual church and mission. Effective staff don’t base decisions on hopes and dreams, but on facts. Decide what is important. As your church defines what results are meaningful, then assign, evaluate and manage accordingly.
Think about it. If you are currently working the same way you did last year, you may be in a rut. This rut, will lead to another year of mediocre. Ask yourself if this is 10 years of experience or 1 year of experience repeated 10 times.
Leadership is prayerfully leading today while focusing on God’s plan for your future.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group