It was a fascinating devotional at our church Board meeting this week. My good friend and trusted business professional opened with a short personal message about changing his prayer life.
The rest of us listened intently while we reviewed a few scripture verses. Then, he said that in the past his prayer life seemed to focus on telling God about his issues at work, home, church and our community.
He had our attention. We could identify. He was describing all of us. In fact the research indicates that the average Christian prays three times a day. Sounds like praying before breakfast, lunch and supper.
My good friend went on to illustrate, “we need to get excited about prayer … everything is dependent on God … prayer is an obligation … as leaders, we need to pray.” (Francis Chan) Then, he used the most dramatic phrase. My friend further suggested that the “church whose Board members don’t pray for an hour a day is a church that has problems”.
There was silence at our table.
“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.” (Ezekiel 22:30 NIV)
My friend then committed himself to honestly and consistently pray and seek God’s face in prayer for an hour each day.
The rest of our Board meeting was fascinating as we prayerfully shared our own prayer struggles. The potential benefits to our church and community would be phenomenal if all of us as Board members would pray for an hour each day. Then, as leaders we would set the example for all the people in our church to allocate time to pray every day.
“If you pray for leaders; if you have a heart to develop, lead, and empower people; if you’ve got a God-given vision, God will give according to your heart’s desires.”
(John Maxwell, Leadership Journal)
Leadership is an active and consistent prayer life.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach