“In the future, any leader who hopes to have followers will need to examine the foundations of their own authority. We live in a world where the effectiveness of positional power is diminishing.” (Hamel, G. in Leadership Excellence)
Further, in Leadership Excellence, Spears confirms, “We are experiencing a rapid shift away from autocratic hierarchical models of leadership toward servant leadership that seeks to involve others in decision making, is strongly based in ethical and caring behaviour, and enhances the growth of workers while improving the quality of life.”
In my organizational development work with churches, I look for three pillars. A significant difference between the healthy and unhealthy churches is their ability to define and give examples of these pillars.
What is the Vision, Mission and Values? Is there a Strategic Plan that illustrates what our Heavenly Father has in mind for the church, neighboring community and city?
Does the organizational structure of the church indicate leaders, committees and people working together? Scripture illustrates, “In whom all the building (organizational structure) fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord” (Ephesians 2:21 KJV), creating synergy leading the church toward spiritual health.
Do the Leaders control, delegate or serve? The autocratic control from above doesn’t work. However, as Leaders demonstrate a Biblical style of Servant Leadership, the church grows and thrives.
According to Yampolsky, (2009) “The heart of a leader can’t be seen on an organizational chart, or an annual report. The heart of a leader is displayed on the sleeve of its followers, the team’s accomplishments. Amongst the many leadership styles we see, a leader who serves is a leader with followers, with heart, and with vision for developing future leaders. I aspire to be a leader with compassion, integrity, inner strength, relationships, and understanding at the forefront. The leader I challenge others to find, is the self-aware, strong, and diligent servant Leader”.
Leadership is creating a Servant Led organization that grows and thrives as it demonstrates God’s love through service.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group