Paul told us to pray. I live in Camrose, Alberta. In the last 16 months, I have had the privilege of voting for our City Council, Provincial and Federal Government and a new Ministry position at church. In each of these situations, Scripture was followed, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God” (1 Timothy 2:1 NIV).
I like to ask Christians who the Mayor, Member of Legislative Assembly and the Member of Parliament are in their community. They typically know the Mayor’s name but often get confused about who the Provincial and National members are. The best question is asking if they allocate serious time to pray or go to meet their Political representative.
I call the office of the MLA, MP and Mayor once a year and ask for a 20 minute meeting to pray and thank the elected official for the job they are doing. I rarely get turned down. I arrive for the meeting early and re-state I simply want to thank them for the role they play. The political arena is not a fun place to be but everyone wants to be recognized for their role. They will take advantage of the time to tell me about something new that is coming, then often ask me about my job. I never lead with my role; this is not an advertising meeting. Then I ask them if they are OK if I thank God for them. I pray and thank God for the individual and their willingness to accept the demanding and unique role. I confirm with an Amen, stand up, tell them I’ll see them again next year and hold out my hand, then head for the door.
According to Wikipedia, in 2011, 22 million Canadians considered themselves to be Christians. Just imagine the power if all Christians would demonstrate God’s love by encouraging, being nice and praying for those in authority.
Leadership is praying for those who have authority over you.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group