In the business world of bottom lines, profit margins and shareholder meetings, we look for more effective ways of achieving results. The sincere desire to serve customers and make a profit is paramount. Executives and staff alike look for ways to eliminate duplication, reduce waste and work more effectively.
The 80/20 rule (Pareto’s rule) suggests we get 80% of our results from 20% of our activities. Put it another way, 20% of your activities are responsible for producing a full 80% of your results. The beauty and challenge of this little formula is to concentrate on the work that really has an impact. Then, we should reduce and eliminate those activities that have little impact on the ultimate purpose or vision.
We all have priorities, commitments, responsibilities and we try to work in a hobby and time for relaxation. The challenge comes with the realization that there are too many activities than the time available. Just like a budget we need to define where time is going then re-allocate accordingly.
We all admit and agree that the schedule is demanding and all encompassing. Take a look at your calendar this week. What are you doing that produces little or no results? Are you doing anything that is more based on tradition or the way we have always done it? Find a low productivity activity and replace it with a high priority one and you’ll be making progress. Now do this every week and over the next year you’ll find the transformation in your work and church will be significant.
Here’s a place to start, re-read Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”
Leadership is prioritizing all your activities.
What is your highest priority for today?
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach