Laurie KennedyIt is a privilege to work with leaders world-wide. Sifton School in Camrose, Alberta teaches the next generation of leaders. Sifton is similar to many other schools; they have capable and friendly teachers, their equipment and material is quality. The unique difference at Sifton is every Fall they re-introduce an amazing Leadership concept.

The brief version goes like this. We all have an emotional bucket and a dipper. When our emotional bucket is full, we are happy, encouraged, excited and fulfilled. We work harder, share more and generally all goes well. However, when our emotional bucket is empty, we are sad, unhappy, and difficult to get along with. The status of your bucket is influenced by your boss, your family, friends and work associates. A bucket filler leader, encourages, listens, takes time, shows interest and reinforces their people each and every day.

Leadership research suggests that only 20% of us love our jobs leaving 80% dissatisfied (Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek). The data is similar for volunteer staff. In your church, mission organization or business we interact with people continually. These interactions form your working culture. This culture of people is made up of bucket fillers or bucket dippers.

I’ve had the awesome privilege of working with dynamic people in healthy business and ministry organizations. The healthy organizations have a culture that thrives and the staff love to come to work. The staff are positive, encouraging and productive. However, in toxic organizations the tension is palatable. The productivity is down. It is an awful place to work. These organizations have high turnover, poor morale, low productivity, lack of a consistent Vision and will not survive. Working in the negative environment feels like a prison.

Sifton teaches the next generation a strategic leadership concept that is significant to differentiate healthy and un-healthy organizations. The Bucket Filler/Dipper story was originally developed by Dr. Donald O. Clifton (1924-2003) and (WWW.BUCKETFILLERS101.COM).

Dream with me for a minute. You can change the culture, productivity and longevity of your church, mission or business by being a bucket filler.

Leadership is … encouraging and demonstrating a positive work culture by filling the emotional bucket of everyone you see today.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group