Paul deals with leadership principles in 1 Timothy 3:1-12. Note the four key character points of; above reproach, a good reputation, worthy of respect and sincere. These are critical to evaluate your Leadership skill.
Character is the most important quality defining identity, revealed by words and actions. Dan Allender illustrates, “The word character comes from the Greek word for ‘stylus’. It is an instrument used either to carve a piece of wood or to mark a piece of papyrus. It carves, marks and shapes. All leaders must have character and must embrace their character.” (Leading with a Limp)
Pick one of these characteristics each day for the next seven days. Meditate, pray and work to improve your skill and ability to demonstrate this character each day.
- Character is the missing link on the journey to excellence.
- Character invites respect and loyalty.
- Character is demonstrating the values of your Heavenly Father.
- Character is speaking with one voice on Board decisions.
- Character is being open to say you are sorry.
- Character gives your followers opportunity to make mistakes.
- Character defines your emotional stability.
- Character illustrates your level of ethical behavior.
- Character is passed from generation to generation.
- Character is consistent all day, every day.
- Character is value driven.
What character traits does scripture encourage us to seek? “He has shown you, O man, what is good; what does the Lord require of you? But, to do justly. To love mercy. To walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8 NKJ)
“To live out the character of Jesus, we must be like God; strong and tender at the same time. (Leading with a Limp by Dan B. Allender)
Leadership is demonstrating a level of character so that others see Jesus through us.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group