Effective leaders design and lead dynamic teams. These awesome teams build great churches by prioritizing Scriptural principles, people development and then program and organizational change. As the Leaders grow the people will follow.
Your dynamic teams will inspire each of their people to pray, seek God’s face and grow their church. The 80/20 rule (Pareto’s principle) suggests we get 80% of our results from 20% of our activities. Put it another way, 20% of your activities are responsible for producing a full 80% of your results. The beauty and challenge of this little formula is to concentrate on the work that really has an impact on your goals, then, reduce activities that don’t produce the results.
Church change and growth strategies have less to do with the latest dynamic program and more to do with prayer and relationships. As our Teams, Life Groups and Ministries work together, lives of character influence our family, friends and community.
“Most church growth occurs because a church effectively ministers to people’s needs. Its focus is on people”. (Ray Bowman and Eddy Hall, When Not to Build) The point is not to downplay programs. We need our programs. Yet, we have a responsibility to work with and build up our skills to ensure our programs are more effective.
Scripture tells us, “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” (Romans 12:4-5 NIV)
“Google commissioned their internal human resources team to identify and rate the attributes of their best leaders. They were surprised to find that technical knowledge rated dead last. Instead, attributes like listening well and letting employees make relevant decisions attracted and kept the best people.” (Joe Manby in Love Works)
“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow. So that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” (Ephesians 4:16 NLT)
Leadership is listening to and building up people.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach