Laurie KennedyI live in Canada.  We have a beautiful country, 10,000,000 square kilometers of mountains, prairies, beaches, farms, rivers, lakes, large cities and small towns.  Travelling from Victoria, British Columbia on the West to St. John’s Newfoundland on the East is a driving distance of 7,500 kilometers. The drive is beautiful.

No one, other than an experienced long distance driver, would consider driving across Canada without a map, road signs or a GPS. Fascinating how we take a map and directions so casually for a drive. Yet, the majority of our churches drive forward without a Vision, Mission or a Plan. Is it any wonder research illustrates 70% of churches worldwide consider themselves to be un-healthy?

In working with churches, I ask the leaders to define their current situation on a white board or flip chart.  It is not a hard exercise. Just list the strengths and weaknesses. The leaders don’t need to confirm and vote. It is just their perception of the current state of church health.

Then, I ask the leaders to take a prayerful mental ride into the future and describe their ideal church. Identify missions, discipleship, attendance, community influence, monetary figures and other characteristics of the ideal church. Be as specific as possible. Now, you have two descriptions. The ‘today’ and the ‘future’.

On a white board I draw two boxes.  The left is the current and right is the ideal future that God has in mind for your church in His Kingdom.

Your plan is the roadmap between the two pictures. By comparing the two pictures, you can identify the steps and prayerfully move ahead.

Break the ‘future’ description into measurable goals. List these in their logical order, building from the simplest to the most difficult. Now, by adding timelines, you have a plan.

Leadership is … discovering and implementing what God has in mind for you and your church.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach

Jethro Group                        

  Serving Leaders