Laurie KennedyBoard Chairs, this is my Annual Blog specifically for you. The growth and health of your church is directly impacted by your spiritual and organizational health. You have the most awesome privilege to serve other Board members, your Pastor, your leaders and those who attend or consider your church or mission home.

At your first meeting of the New Year you will need a detailed agenda and reading material distributed early. Your Agenda opens with prayer and an introduction to new Board members.

As Chair, you are responsible to lead the meeting, follow the agenda and keep members involved. Chairs tell me their role is also to vote to break a tie. Technically true. But, if your Board members are split on an issue, please re-think, pray, discuss and delay the decision until you can be unanimous. A division at the Board leads to a division in the church.

As the Board, you are responsible to carry out and live the Vision, Mission and Values of your church or mission. “Boards need to be sure the central idea (Vision) is clear and compelling and that every board member understands it.” (Charan, Carey, Useem in Boards That Lead)

“The most important work of any governing board is to create and re-create the reason for organizational existence. This is not simply the approval of a purpose statement. Nor is this a task once done, then forgotten. It is a perpetual obligation, deserving of the majority of board time and energy. The only justifiable reason for organizational existence (your Church or Mission) is the production of worthwhile results.” (Boards That Make a Difference, John Carver) Take time at this meeting to review your Vision, Mission and Value statements to be sure they are still valid, current and relevant.

Scripture confirms the relevancy of purpose to Boards and your people. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV)

Leadership is … always saying thanks for the dedication of your Board members.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group