In a typical worldview, the church has lost its place of authority and is not considered a significant factor in decision-making. The Bible is thought to be a good historical book, not a living and breathing letter from God to guide a personal relationship with Christ. A disturbing quote from Bill Bright in The Coming Revival, “Tragically, the church, for the most part, is no longer a power to be reckoned with. It has largely lost the respect of the masses; it is often the object of ridicule. Tragically, it has become the last place our nation would turn for help.”
Why is it, in my father’s generation you could often settle a dispute by quoting a biblical verse or concept? Yet, today a biblical quote would be considered irrelevant? I’d like to propose a factor our leaders are neglecting. We have elaborate vision statements. We build strategic plans and we review policy, procedure and constitution documents. However, we are sorely lacking in a critical area.
Marshall Shelley is quoted in Leadership, “One day during the Civil War, an admirer approached Abraham Lincoln to say that back home the folks all agreed that “the welfare of the nation depended on God and Abraham Lincoln.” Lincoln replied, “You are half right.” Shelley goes on to suggest, “Like every person in ministry Lincoln understood that in the course of human events, he was dependent on strength beyond his own. No spiritual victory can be accomplished by purely human efforts.”
In his 1929 book, the Silences and Solitudes of Jesus, Rev. H.H. Bingham wrote, “A prayer-less church is a powerless church. If a church neglects prayer, it neglects God. Behind every spiritual awakening can be traced a people of believing prayer. Prayer came before Pentecost, preaching came after. It was prayer that gave spiritual power to preaching. It has been so all down through the centuries. It is equally true today.”
When Paul advised the struggling churches in Thessalonica to “Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NIV), he wasn’t referring to a thirty second prayer before meals.
Leadership is demonstrating an effective prayer life.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group