Laurie KennedyLeaders working for a Board have a unique opportunity and challenge. You are accountable to that Board but you also carefully and skillfully encourage that same Board. The primary role of the Board is Mission and Vision accomplishment.  The Board is not here to deal with the detail. That is your job. The more a Board gets into detail, the more the Pastor, CEO or Senior Leader is handcuffed. Boards should have their hands on the steering wheel, not the rear view mirror.

Every Board member needs to keep these nine points in mind.


  1. The Board is here to protect the interests of the owner (that is not you). Your Church or para-church Board needs to pray and seek God’s face to discover and what God has in mind.
  2. Your Board needs to be future focused. Agendas must focus on issues of strategy and policy. How, should your organization be different in the future?
  3. Your Board has one employee.  That’s probably you. They are concerned for the staff and volunteers, however, you lead the staff providing clear goals.
  4. The Board is responsible to carry the Vision and Mission, holding the standard high, demonstrating that standard in their daily lives.
  5. The board monitors and oversees, seeking a balance ensuring quality and cost effective programs and services. It is a staff responsibility to creatively initiate and develop.
  6. The Board (both individually and collectively) work within their spiritual gifts and personal strengths.
  7. Board members influence their communities by building relationships.
  8. Effective Board members are prayer warriors for the Ministry staff and church.
  9. Board members, “pray continuously” (1 Thess. 5:17 NIV).

“Greenleaf’s view was that the best leadership begins with a desire to serve, not ambition for power, position, privilege, or prestige.  Servant leadership is marked by humility, dedication, and deep recognition that what matters most is the organization and its people” Boards that Excel by B. Joseph White.

Leadership is not (being) slothful (Board meetings) being, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord (paraphrase Romans 12:11 KJV).

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group