Laurie Kennedy“The status quo bias can infect corporate (church) leadership too, sometimes fatally, even when the stakes are very high. Sometimes when a company (church) is in trouble, its leaders are convinced they already have all the answers and refuse to rethink them. Sometimes they bury their heads in the sand, not wanting to believe that change is inevitable. Other times they have so much invested in their current business (church) model that they simply cannot see past it and react quickly enough.” The Power of Why by Amanda Lang

“Most churches are so afraid or turned off by the here and now that they’re “museum churches” that exist in a defunct 1950’s culture.” Leonard Sweet

In his book Leadershift, Don Cousins suggests, “The average layperson has little interest in expending himself or herself in propping up an institution we call the church. There’s an intense hunger among laity to be engaged in a movement of God, and these people want God to use them to help propel such a movement.”

Leaders, keep these 9 questions in the forefront of every meeting, decision and activity.

  1. What does God want our church to look like in five years?
  2. What can I/we do to move our church one small step toward improved health?
  3. Will God be pleased when our Vision, Mission and Values are achieved?
  4. Is our personal and corporate prayer life pleasing to God?
  5. What do our neighbors, visitors and those we are trying to reach think of us as a church?
  6. Do all our programs and activities lead toward our God directed Vision?
  7. Do our public services inspire a positive gospel message and worship?
  8. Is the balance between evangelism and teaching appropriate?
  9. Do we demonstrate loving/caring relationships through our church?

Leadership is challenging the status quo, while achieving biblical integrity within the context of today’s generation.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group