Laurie KennedyRemember Velcro fasteners? In 1948 Georges de Mestral returned from a day of hunting, pulling burs from both his dog and himself. He questioned why they stuck so securely. A microscope examination confirmed hundreds of tiny hooks and loops. Velcro with a series of hooks and loops that do not snag, rust and are light and reliable was the logical outcome.

How about post it notes? Did you ever dream about inventing paper clips? Life is full of contradictions. Midway rides are fun with an element of risk. Milking poisonous snakes is a challenge and a mistake can kill you. The floor to one person, is the ceiling to another. Did you know that Gutenberg was criticized and ostracized for inventing the typewriter? It went against the tradition of the day. Yet, today we couldn’t imagine life without a keyboard.

Creativity in its simplest sense is combining two ideas into a new one. Consider the many facets of life that have opposing factors. The reality of gravity allows Canadians and Australians to stand vertical, yet both our heads are pointing in opposite directions. If you sail on a metal ship you are safe, however if you fall overboard attached to a piece of metal, you drown.

The key to creativity is to combine two previously incompatible ideas into a new one.

When your church, mission organization or business faces challenges you can do nothing by saying, ‘we’ve always done it this way’ or you can consider a new idea. Talk with your people, your associates and your friends in other fields of work. Brainstorm the challenges and play with ideas that seem to be incompatible. Then re-work them until they come together into a new idea.

Leadership is … praying and working consistently to find new ways to accomplish God’s vision in your life and organization.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group