Ethics is personal, organizational and value based. What is right goes beyond the rules, politics, vision and mission of organizations to define the standard. The challenge for leaders is confirmed by Jack Kahl in Leading from the Heart when he states that, “ethical standards are largely defined by the leadership. Leadership sets the moral tone of the team.”
In her book, Ethics the Heart of Leadership, Ciulla illustrates 55% of the American public believe that the vast majority of corporate executives are dishonest and 59% think that executive white-collar crime occurs on a regular basis. She further illustrates 25% of executives believe ethics can impede a successful career and over 50% of executives bent the rules to get ahead. Further, 67% believed the unethical behavior of executives is the primary cause of the decline in business standards, productivity and success. Also, 60% to 75% of employees reported that their immediate supervisor as the worst or most stressful aspect of their job while believing that it was important for managers to be honest and upright.
Leaders are being scrutinized today more than ever before. Staff, volunteers, customers or those who attend to your service have expectations. These expectations need to be honored. It doesn’t matter your level of education, competence or experience. Our followers will only be dedicated to someone they trust.
Scripture demonstrates its accuracy for today’s business world, “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30) Our standard for today whether it be in faith based organizations or profit motive should be “But seek ye first the kingdom of God. (Matthew 6:33)
Joel Manby, in his book Love Works, Seven Timeless Principles for effective Leaders confirms, “The simple truth is this: there is a crisis of confidence in leadership.”
Leadership is living and working at a higher standard, exceeding the expectations of the followers.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group