Effective Leaders focus their organizations to ensure consistency with the Vision. Current circumstances are a challenge yet they don’t need to derail the goal. They are opportunities, or as scripture would indicate, a mountain to be moved.
On a recent holiday, Char and I visited the world renowned Board Walk Cathedral in Atlantic City. The world’s largest pipe organ with its 33,112 pipes suffered from a catastrophe in 1944. Further, during the building and renovation of the Boardwalk Hall, additional damage was suffered by pipes being removed or bent and lines to pipe chambers cut. The largest pipe organ in the world, with the four entries in Guinness World Records, constructed between May 1929 and December 1932, had been dormant for 49 years.
We had the privilege of listening to the phenomenal sound, watching and touring this masterpiece of musical history. The pipe organ is currently working at 25% capacity and is expected to be up to 50% by fall and full sound by the year 2023. The total renovation project is due to a dedicated group of volunteers, a few paid staff and a supportive city.
We have all experienced unhealthy churches in crisis. The church bully, the love for tradition and the way we have always done it, the re-living of a historic church tragedy, infighting and sin. Yet God has promised, “In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6 NIV)
If a dedicated Board, a few paid staff and volunteers can raise $16,000,000 to rehabilitate a Pipe Organ, what can we do? We can pray, learn to work together, seek God’s plan and cooperatively implement one step at a time.
You may not be repairing a world famous pipe organ, but you are responsible to demonstrate God’s love to your community or show God’s love to our world. God has a plan. The potential of your church or mission is awesome. With God’s direction, we can do it.
Leadership is … serving to achieve the unbelievable potential of God’s plan.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group