Leadership is: … For God’s Glory #374
A series of failed leadership decisions led to 1,517 individuals drowning in the cold waters of the North Atlantic 400 miles from Newfoundland. These men, women and children were tragic victims of failed leadership integrity.
No one heard or noticed the frightening and deafening ‘crack’ as the iceberg separated from its location in Northern Labrador. The world was completely unaware. The world continued on its path, oblivious that two profound and divergent systems were about to intersect. The impending ten second intersection would dramatically impact our world.
In those days of ocean travel (April 15, 1912) as darkness surrounded, a seaman was assigned to test the ocean water temperature. By lowering a bucket into the water, then recording the temperature, the captain could watch changes in the water ahead and possibly avoid an iceberg tragedy. That fateful night the seaman had a rope too short to reach the water. Instead of getting another rope, he filled his bucket and recorded the temperature of the water from the bathroom tap.
Think about your work or your volunteer role at church. You may be a Pastor, a Board or committee member. Or, maybe your role is to rake leaves, shovel snow or just show up. Just like the Titanic seaman who didn’t bother to get a longer rope, do you ignore or not bother to do your role correctly. At work or at church, there are no insignificant roles.
“Whatever you do, do it all for the Glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV)
Yours in Service.
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach Jethrogroup.ca