Laurie KennedyJethro Group recognizes October as Pastor Appreciation Month

I love working with Pastors. I coach some and consult with others and their Boards. It is my prayer that our Pastors, Churches and Leaders would be healthy in their relationship with our Heavenly Father, with each other and would work to demonstrate God’s love to our world.

We need to care for our Pastors on a continual basis. Note the following example from our Home Bible Study and our Pastor’s response.

Char and I have had the very unique privilege of leading Home Bible Studies over the past many years. Each week we would read scripture, follow a devotional book, pray for each other and work to be active supporters of our church. A couple of times each year, the topic of supporting our Pastor would come up for discussion. Someone would ask how our Pastor and his wife were doing.  Others would comment on how they were blessed, encouraged or challenged by something Pastor said on Sunday. Others would illustrate something from a recent church meeting. Others pointed out a hospital or shut in visit. We’d talk, share and in addition to our group prayer issues, we’d pray for our Pastor and his family. I would typically end the discussion by pointing out that it is great to share our appreciation and to pray. However, it would be neat if everyone in our group would make a card, send a letter or email just to encourage our Pastor.

Fascinating, each time we shared what happened, Pastor Allen would call or email me and illustrate in his words, “it was an amazing coincidence to get 10 cards of appreciation in three days”. Wow! We made his day and week. The cards would all be signed expressing our appreciation for Pastor Allen and Suzanne. Hmm! As Pastor Allen would put it: “It made my whole week.”

Now, just imagine the impact if every Home Bible study would pick a week to encourage their Ministry staff.

Leadership is … appreciating your Pastor and confirming it with a note.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group