Leadership Is … Integrity #349

As a leader, your values drive your behavior.  Whatever you value will drive your thinking and your actions.  Since your activities and behavior will be consistent with your values, it is critical to know and define your values.  Your behavior is watched and will influence your staff and volunteers. Your leadership sets the positive or negative values of your organization. As a leader of a church or business enterprise, what values are demonstrated consistently by you and your staff?

In your personal and corporate world, strive to excel as an individual of integrity; your relationship with God is primary. Scripture confirms we need to believe. God has a plan for our lives. Our role is to accept God’s gift knowing that Christ gave his life for us and has gone ahead to prepare a place for us.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NIV)

As a leader, you are watched and followed. Your staff, volunteers and community learn more from your actions than your words. As your actions, words and values are consistent, your family, friends and associates will see Christ in you. They will learn and respond in their personal and spiritual lives.

Staff, associates and followers in our ministry locations, all want to know that their leader has a strong, vibrant and growing relationship with their Heavenly Father.  A leader, a Pastor or executive who hasn’t settled and adopted a Christ-like character will not be held in high esteem and respect by followers.

 “Give him first place in your life.” (Matthew 6:33 Living Bible)

“In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:6 NIV)

God directed Servant Leadership is a transformed life of serving, giving and living the life Christ demonstrated. God designed us with a plan before we were born. We have a responsibility to discover the vision God has for us. Then, it is our responsibility to read, study, and memorize His word. Then, as a Servant Leader of Integrity, we can demonstrate His love to continue the change process in our world.

Yours in Service;

Laurie D. Kennedy
