The Christian Servant leader is a person of integrity. Integrity grows from a heart attitude. Servant Leaders hold an awesome responsibility to be truthful and honest in every action. Christ set the standard for integrity when he told us, “In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness” (Titus 2:7 NIV)
The term ‘business ethics’ has become an oxymoron. An oxymoron? A figure of speech in which words of opposite meaning are used together and when combined take on a whole new life of their own. We live in a world where according to James C. Hunter in The World’s most Powerful Leadership Principle, “Eight in ten believe top executive of large companies will take ‘improper actions’ to help themselves at the expense of their companies. Credibility for business leaders may well be at an all-time low.”
General Norman Schwarzkopf is quoted in The World’s most powerful Leadership Principle that “Ninety-nine percent of leadership failure are failures of character.” Then we read in a recent issue of Fortune Magazine that, “Integrity begins with accountability”. Further, Annie Fisher, also in Fortune Magazine says, “If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Ethical decline often begins with “Just this once and when you’re down that slope, it’s a very slippery climb back up.”
So Christian leaders, where are we? George Barna wrote in Christianity Today, “There was just such a radical gap between what we heard Christians professing they believed and the values and the lifestyle that grew out of the values.” Can we be trusted to maintain a standard of integrity? Are we willing to stand for truth and put ourselves at risk for truth?
Christ did, then illustrated, “well done, my good servant!” His master replied. “Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities” (Luke 19:17 NIV)
Leadership is a heart value of integrity.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group