Your leadership influence is widespread.

The sound of two dominoes falling together is only exceeded by a whole string of dominoes falling in order. If stood correctly that small string can turn corners, jump over each other and create multiple designs. The sound and feeling of that domino string is remembered by leaders forever.

Each domino relies on the success and experience of the previous one moving the challenge to higher and higher levels of accomplishment.  The prayerful Vision is always ahead.

“Every great change starts like falling dominoes.” (Gary Keller. The One Thing The surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results, 2012)

In Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, on Domino Day, November 13, 2009, Weijers Domino Productions coordinated the world record domino fall by lining up more than 4,491,863 dominoes in a dazzling display.

Leadership is utilizing and building on the skill and experience of your team. The only thing holding you back is the courage to dream and the will power to put quality effort into each task. Each positive step towards your Vision leads to another.

I had the privilege of speaking at a leadership retreat in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. The University setting included Executives, Pastors, Board Chairs and Senior Managers. They had come from afar to learn, share and grow together. Grow they did. It was an awesome day of sharing and working together. We talked, shared, dreamed and prayed together. We talked the Biblical basis of Servant Leadership, Vision, Values and cooperation all within the context of Servant Leadership. Close to the end of the day, I passed out a box of Dominoes to each participant. My simple question to the group sitting at several tables was to build something. The details of the assignment were wide open.  Sort of like life back home.  Just build something with the dominoes.

The response was fascinating.  Some leaders wanted to horde their dominoes. Others started to build towers, strings and circles. One creative individual made a string of his initials.  Then, as they talked the whole movement shifted.  They took a minute to share what they could accomplish if they all worked together.  Yes! They moved the tables to touch at a corner and in a few minutes, working cooperatively they lined all the dominoes to make a string crossing three tables. They loved the exercise and the ability to work as a team in making a group project. The key learning in a simple exercise was to change the thinking and behavior of the group resulting in a totally different and positive result.

Your leadership title matters less; people are looking and learning from you.  Your influence and that of the body of Christ depends on how you influence others.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy

Leadership Coach

Author of Leadership is … Devotions for Servant Leaders