Good morning Leaders. Today is Monday, the start of a new work week and the start of your future. Today may also be pivotal to the future of your church. As the Leader, you guide your people and mission into the future. How you lead today sets the parameters for tomorrow. Please rate yourself and your church in light of these thirteen statements.
If you were to slip on a banana peel today, would your church, mission or business survive and thrive without you?
- Our organization would survive and even thrive without me.
- Our Board and Team leaders would work together to build our future.
- Our leaders are groomed, dedicated and would be very capable successors.
- Our standards of faith, quality and service would remain high and grow stronger.
- Our long term plan and God directed Vision would remain intact.
- Our Leaders would continue to be mentored and be mentors to others.
- Our systems of budget, staffing and reinforcing positive achievements would continue.
- Our Values would continue to be evident in all our decisions.
- Our God directed Vision would remain our long term focus.
- Our process to review and evaluate our programs in light of our Vision would continue.
- Our leaders would teach and demonstrate Servant Leadership in all their actions.
- Our staff and volunteers would continue to be excited, involved and dedicated.
- Our visitors would continue to come and be involved.
(Adapted from Building Blocks for High Performance Culture by Mardere Birkill)
Leaders, your role is to guide and lead your church, mission or business to grow into the future. Tragedies are never expected but we need to lead knowing their reality and build Leaders and systems that will grow into the future.
Leadership is developing tomorrow today.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group