Laurie KennedyThe Corporate world has been challenged with CEO’s and CFO’s who re-arrange budgets for their personal benefit. Perkins, in his book Awaken the Leader Within, quotes Kouzes and Posner; “people value honesty and integrity in a leader more than anything else. Virtually every person they talked with placed integrity at the top of the leadership wish list.”

The Servant led church integrates a service philosophy with integrity where every member is encouraged to live a life of honesty, truthfulness and integrity. This is a church the world will notice.

The Servant led church:

  • is a learning and growing organism.
  • is characterized by a collective unity and interdependence of each individual and team.
  • defines their goals
  • leaders are accountable to each other and the overall Vision.
  • knows its own strengths, weaknesses and the gifts of its people.
  • reduces the emphasis on the power hierarchy
  • encourages team work and service
  • interacts within a team.
  • takes risks by putting their personal interest and causes on the line for Christ
  • evaluates new ideas and constantly pushes the envelope to win people for Christ.
  • Makes decisions with love and care in mind.
  • Puts the interests of Christ first.
  • Gives without expecting anything in return.
  • Is known by their love and care for their community

The Servant led church understands their status as stewards of God’s resources, not owners. They give because of their love.

Leadership is … a Servant led church

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group