“I want to be part of the transformation. I want to make it happen” (Nik Wallenda in Balance).
Transformation is the metamorphosis of a tadpole into a frog or the caterpillar into a butterfly. The new creature doesn’t remember, resemble or have any desire or ability to return to the lowly crawling creature of its former life.
Many leaders in ministry or the secular workplace have adopted leadership styles without a biblical standard. They manage in neutral. They follow the latest guru or fad of the month club. They don’t lead by serving.
Our challenge is ineffective leaders, “blind leaders of the blind” (Matthew 15:14). Fortune Magazine makes a similar statement, “Good leaders can make a small difference; bad leaders can make a huge negative difference.” Bill Bright emphasized it dramatically in his book, The Coming Revival America’s Call to Fast, Pray and “Seek God’s Face”, “Much of the church is spiritually impotent-void of a vital, personal, and intimate walk with God. Having fallen into the cult of the comfortable, the church, for the most part, is no longer a power to be reckoned with. It has largely lost the respect of the masses; it is often the object of ridicule. Tragically, it has become the last place our nation would turn for help.”
As Christian leaders, we want to impact our world. I’m not recommending we change our theology. I’m suggesting as Christian leaders, we need to follow Christ’s example and exude Servant Leadership. Like Paul, we need to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2 NKJ).
Examine your leadership style and the spiritual condition of those who follow you. Are you following a Biblical Servant Leadership style? Are your followers growing in their relationship to their Heavenly Father?
Leadership is influencing your followers to a Godly lifestyle.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group