Laurie Kennedy“About 15 percent of our churches are functioning like living organisms and substantially bearing fruit. However, many are spiritually dead and bearing no fruit at all. (Neil T. Anderson & Charles Mylander, Setting Your Church Free) Denomination Executives tell me that only 30% to 40% of their churches are scripturally and organizationally healthy. People are not typically lining up and calling in advance to attend church.

We have space. We want to serve. We have staff and volunteers. We can introduce a person to a relationship with Christ; “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 4:7 NIV) “My Father’s house has many mansions: if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” (John 14:2 NIV)

At the same time churches are struggling, “more than two million people apply to work at Google each year.” (Brad Lomenick, H3 Leadership) So, what do the dot com companies provide to stimulate this amount of interest? In a fascinating chapter Brad Lomerick lists perks used to encourage new employees: ‘Staff-free meals, on-site gymnasiums, oil changes, dry cleaning, Ping-Pong tables, stunning physical space, great lighting, open-designs, bringing dogs to work, ‘massage credits’, diapers, formula and other necessities for new parents.’ To quote Brad, “Google HQ left me amazed.”

I’m not recommending your church or mission adopt these perks, but I do want to stimulate our thinking.  Stand firm on your theology. However, “Leaders have incredible opportunity to impact lives. Build into people like they are on your team forever. Leadership is …ultimately touching the lives of leaders.”(Pat Gelsinger, H3 Leadership)

We agree that Christ is the answer our world is looking for. If we treated all our staff, volunteers, members and visitors with the same enthusiasm, dedication and care of the dot com industry maybe our world would listen to our message.

Leadership is loving our people as Christ loved us.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach

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