Laurie KennedyServant Leadership is as relevant for Christian Leaders today as it was when Christ demonstrated it. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45 NIV). You may work in a secular environment, a church or a Mission. You may lead a church committee or be the Pastor, the Board Chair or a Board member. Your defined role doesn’t matter. What matters is whether you are living and demonstrating God’s love through Servant Leadership.

Servant Leadership is defined in your character, the attitude of your heart. It is not a tool box of skills, abilities or tricks to be used depending on the situation. Servant Leadership is demonstrated by your life.

The New International Version of the Bible, references serve 279 times and Servant 731 times. There are 560 references to lead, 204 to leader and 4 to leadership for a total of 768 references. Combining the references to serve or lead we have 1778 scriptural references. With that many references, God must feel the concept of Servant Leadership is important.

Christian authors, including myself, research and look for the components, values and principles of Servant Leadership on a daily basis.

Lundy illustrates; Accessibility, Affability, Vulnerability, Vitality, Teachability, Impartiality, Identifiability and Stickability as characteristics Servant Leaders need to strive for.

Fryar suggests we strive for; A premium on service, living a life of significance and purpose, freedom and dignity, followers fully developing their gifts and abilities, and wholeness and growth for followers and themselves.

Wilkes lists eight principles of; Humble, Heart, be a follower, find greatness in service, take risks, take up the towel, share responsibility and authority, Build a team.

As you enter another work week, review these values demonstrating God’s love to the people you serve.

Leadership is serving others within a framework of prayer.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group