“Nehemiah was a man of prayer. He showed courage in the face of danger. He had genuine concern for the welfare of others. He exhibited keen foresight. He could make clear decisions. He was uncommonly empathetic. He was a realist. Nehemiah was a vigorous administrator, calm crisis manager, fearless initiator, a courageous decision maker, and a preserving leader. He was resolute in the face of threats and vigilant against treachery, a leader who won and held the full confidence of his followers. Nehemiah raised the morale of his colleagues.” (Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders)
I have the very unique privilege of praying, coaching, challenging and often crying with Pastors and Leaders. These leaders come in all shapes and sizes, each with their own unique skills and abilities. Nehemiah was a dramatic leader. He was able to motivate his people to accomplish results both in terms of manpower, motivation and construction. That’s great, we love it. But, if we could talk with Nehemiah, I believe his greatest vision and accomplishment was to bring revival to his people. Nehemiah set a standard for all of us to emulate. The continual reminder for me and for all of us is to focus on those leadership skills that are biblical, God directed and designed to accomplish what God has in mind for our lives.
Praying with leaders as their organizations become healthy is awesome. Organizational change, system realignment and Vision Discovery sessions are necessary. However, as Nehemiah and Ezra pointed out, the goal is for each individual to re-direct their heart to God and then the organizational health will grow from there.
The responsibilities vary from small struggling church Pastors to Business Executives and Mission Directors working by faith to accomplish God’s vision.
Leadership is … praying for God’s vision and leading as we work towards personal and organizational revival.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group