Laurie KennedyIt is an awesome privilege to lead, teach, coach and consult with Pastors and church leaders worldwide.

We can talk about Quality Circles, Vision, Mission and Value Statements. We can review Policy and Procedure manuals. We can encourage ethical standards, improved character development and integrity. We know that effective Leaders walk around listening and encouraging their people. We know that exemplary character standards are critical and we need to monitor results to ensure we are making significant progress on our plans.

We emphasize that effective Christian Leaders put significant time in prayer, reading and memorizing Scripture. It is critical to pray for those in authority and to support Pastors and Leaders. We remember to review our personal Calling and those we work with on an Annual basis.

However, all the Leadership skills and techniques aside, there is only one foundation and the only focus is and will always be, ‘A Babe in the Manger, a Christ on the Cross and a risen Savior’.

Merry Christmas to each of you.

Yours in Service,

Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group