Our heartfelt values drive our thinking, activities and behavior. As a leader of a church or business enterprise your values are demonstrated consistently in everything you do.
“Values are those things we consider or rate highly, prize, esteem or deem important.” (James C. Hunter, The World’s most powerful Leadership Principle)
Values are un-compromisable, un-debatable truths, characteristics that drive and direct behaviour. They are motivational; they give reason to why we do things. They are restrictive and place boundaries to guide our behaviour. They provide the core of individual, group or organizational identity. They are enduring judgments about what you consider to be important, like the shoulders on a major highway. Values can be described as what we treasure the most, those things we want to live or die for. They are the belief characteristics that distinguish us one from another.
Leaders who are living by their values reap a great benefit from the Lord; David said they “will never be shaken.” (Psalm 112:6 NKJV)
Leadership is value based. What values guide your leadership?
What values are so strong in your life that you would resign before you would compromise?
As a Christian Servant Leader, I strive to integrate my spiritual values on the job. God created me, “in His own image”. (Genesis 1:27 NIV) He pre-wired skills, abilities and gifts before my birth. Jeremiah illustrates, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV) or as David said, “you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13 NIV).
“Give me ten men that hate nothing but sin and love nothing but God and we will change the world.” (John Wesley quoted in Designed to Lead by Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck)
Leadership is a God directed Servant Leadership life of serving, giving and living the life God designed for us.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach