A basketball game has rules. The baskets are a consistent size and height. The playing floors are lined identically. The players are skilled athletes and have practiced learning to work as a team. When a player moves from one team to another, the rules are consistent, the only change is the playing strategy. The Olympics are a thrill to watch. We see the skill, the end result and total dedication to the team. The rules of the game are memorized, internalized and are demonstrated by thousands of skilled athletes throughout the events.
Board meetings, churches, not for profit and charitable organizations also have rules. The rules are designed to help the team (Board) members work together effectively. Many Board meetings are too long, too fragmented and disorganized.
Here are nine rules of the game for Board meetings. Every Board member should review these individually and collectively at each meeting, then determine to improve at the next meeting.
- Did we move forward towards our God given Vision and Mission due to this meeting?
- Did we review information to measure and monitor progress toward the Vision?
- Did Board members focus on achieving results, not discuss activities.
- Did Board members talk openly and trustworthy in the spirit of mutual trust.
- The Board dealt with strategic concerns not operational issues.
- Did Board members demonstrate honesty, loyalty, diligence?
- Is the overall health of the Board improving?
- Do Board members know that ‘If it isn’t in the minutes it didn’t happen.’
- Financial and legal issues are reviewed consistently.
- Did the Board pray for staff, leaders and the organization.
Dream for a minute what your church would be like if all your Board meetings were God honoring, moving you and your people ahead to influence our world for His name.
Leadership is …, working together to achieve a superior outcome.
Yours in Service,
Laurie D. Kennedy
Leadership Coach
Jethro Group